Saturday, December 31, 2011

Annual Yearly Update

Sorry for ditching all of you faithful readers. I did run that 5K and another one. I'm running a 10K in May. Woot.

Times to grade myself on my 2011 resolutions!

1. Learn to say no.
-- I mean, I didn't feel quite as overcommitted, but I don't think I really accomplished this.
2. Find little ways to save money.
-- Kind of. This mostly boiled down to not really spending money, like ever. However, I've done a much better job of keeping track of my money, which as far as I'm concerned is almost just as good.
3. Be a better counselor.
-- I think I was better this year than last, so check.
4. Live in the moment.
-- I actually think I did pretty good at this. I obviously think about the future, but I haven't focused so much on things ending as much as being present.
5. Start the job hunt.
-- Oh, check yes.

That brings me to a...yikes. 3.5/5. That's like a C. Well, maybe I didn't do so hot on my resolutions, but I do think that this year was one of the greatest years thus far in my life, so I'm going to go ahead and give this year an A anyway.


Sunday, June 26, 2011


It's been awhile, hasn't it?

Good news: 5K training is progressing quite well. I'm kind of obsessed with my training program, to be completely honest. I feel like I'm getting a good workout but I'm not exhausted when I'm done, which I think is great. I've really enjoyed every single run I've gone out for (9 thus far), which I think is saying something. I'm also still super pumped and motivated to do this 5K, so woot.

Bad news: On my off running days I do strength training business, and the workout I did yesterday kicked my booty--literally. Walking has been a bit of a struggle today. Failsauce.

I'm also in a funky mood like all the time. That's a lie. I'm in a funky mood like half the time where I'm just pissed about everything and hate everyone. I don't know what's wrong with me, and I don't particularly like it.

I'm also super duper pissed about work next week. Basically, I got royally screwed over with scheduling things while people with far, far less seniority than me not only got the bitchin' end of the deal, but also got a huge ass raise. So I got screwed and am still making way, way less than half of minimum wage while undeserving people are sitting pretty. No wonder I hate everything.

Saturday, June 11, 2011

I Will Not Be Thwarted!

Yesterday, I spent my day waiting for a phone call that never came. (Not from Boy. From a job-related something). It also rained a lot. Needless to say 5K training did not happen yesterday. Boo.

Thankfully, today the weather is...well, it's not raining at least. And double thankfully, my training program is a 3x/week sort of deal. So instead I ran today! Wewt. The training is still super easy, since I'm running for 10 minutes and walking for 15 (ballin!). What's been interesting to notice is that I feel most tired near the end of my workout when I stop running and start walking. I'm fine when I'm running, and transitioning from walking to running (or jogging, rather) isn't really a problem. But when I transition from running to walk I huff and I puff and I just feel super beat. I guess that's a good sign? Maybe? I mean, if running seems to be easier than slowing down, I should just keep running, eh?

Updates on progress will be slow in coming next week as I have plans that prevent me from Interneting most/all days. But never fear Latvian (and American) Lovers: I shall persevere! *points to title*

Wednesday, June 8, 2011

Day Two

I'm still training for the 5K, loves. Aren't you proud? I'm following the Couch to 5K program, so none of this is my original concoction or anything, but in case you're curious what Week One, Day Two consists of:

- 5 minute brisk warm-up walk
- One minute jog
- 1:30 walk
- Repeat steps 2 and 3 for 20 minutes

It was a little more struggs today because it's hotter than blazes out there. More struggs=sweating sooner than last time. Overall though this whole workout is kind of a joke at this point, because I really wasn't inactive to begin with like this training program assumes. I'm just not active enough to tackle an intermediate training plan from the get-go. Also, this one has times rather than distances, which I like better.

For those of you at home (in Latvia) keeping score: no, I did not get lazy and skip yesterday's workout. This training program only has your training three days a week, because as anyone involved in athletics knows, rest days are just as important as training days. I do strength training on my rest days. Strength training=whatever workout in Seventeen magazine looks the most appealing to me, ideally one that won't make me sweat.

Does anyone know why Twitter sucks lately? It takes for friggin' ever to load, and that makes me sad :(

Monday, June 6, 2011


Dear Latvian Lovers,

I don't know if there are actually seven of you, or if one of you just came to my page seven times today. Either way, um, hi? Thanks for knocking my hypothetical socks off when I checked my stats (it's too warm to be wearing socks, in case you were wondering).


The whole reason I came on to post is because I have an announcement! I officially began training for my first 5K ever today! The training is pretty easy at this point, because it's a beginner training program. At this point it's heavy on the walking on light on the running, which is nice in the sense that I don't get tired quickly, but annoying in the sense that I don't feel like I'm accomplishing anything (ie: burning calories and getting more fit). I'm hoping to keep myself accountable for my training on here because that 5K is most def. happening, and because my blog heroes tend to post these kinds of things, so I thought I should, too.

Also, I should be doing homework right now. I know, right? Still? Ridikalus.

Thursday, May 5, 2011


It seems like everything in my life lately has been about finding your calling.

Granted, the fact that I just finished taking a class that had the goal of helping us discern our vocations probably has a lot to do with that. But I wrapped that class up a week ago. Right now, I'm reading another book in preparation for a class I'm about to take across the pond in Scotland. This book is allegedly about traveling with meaning, but it seems like so far, every other page has been about listening to your heart and--wait for it--finding your calling.

Maybe I've just been reading too much of this touchy-feely calling stuff, but this constant exposure to calling business kind of makes me think that I should be focusing on my calling more. That's weird and confusing for me, because I thought I had things figured out. (Which, I guess, more than anything should be an indication that I have nothing figured out). I just spent three and a half months working at an internship that I absolutely loved. My strong positive feelings about the internship, coupled with the strong positive feedback I constantly received, was as good of an indication as any that what I was interning in has to do with my calling.

So why does everyone still seem to be on my back about finding my calling?

I'm not very good at listening. Well, sort of. I'm good at listening to people. I like letting people just talk to me, in fact. I have no problem sitting there and just letting them talk and talk and talk until they get it all out. (In fact, I enjoy doing this very much with Boy described in previous posts). But I'm not good at the whole "quiet time" concept. It seems like the only time my brain turns off is when I'm asleep. I'm not 100% convinced that all dreams impart some sort of secret knowledge to us, so I don't know if paying attention to my dreams counts as listening.
I am discovering, though, that I'm better at being quiet when I'm running. Not much is going on on my head when I go for a run. It's not really listening, but I guess it's a step in the right direction.

Thursday, April 28, 2011

I'm Not Very Good At This

I don't update this very often. It's silly that this bothers me right now, considering my past history. I've become quite the blog addict, though, so I feel like I should make an effort to keep this updated...ish.

Also, I'm thinking of starting another blog. Why that strikes me as a good idea is beyond me (points below to show infrequent updating). We'll see. I can't keep you too posted, though, because I don't want my second blog to be so secretive. *shifty eyes*


I can't believe I never mentioned this, but I'm studying off-campus this semester. Hands down the best decision I've ever made. I'm leaving for home in about 48 hours, and I really couldn't be less thrilled. Things I don't want to go back to

- homework
- my job at the paper (uh oh...)
- small towns

Last weekend someone (my pastor, actually) asked if I had been bit by the big city bug. I lied. In church! To my pastor! ON EASTER SUNDAY. It's a wonder I wasn't smote right then and there. I said no to my pastor. The real answer is yes. Yeah, I like my small town values and my small town prices. But MAN do I like city livin.

I'm gonna miss this town.