Friday, February 5, 2010

It's Been Quite Some Time

Hello, non-existent readers.

I really, really, really should be studying for my Spanish exam right now. But I'm not. Wanna know why? Because my Spanish exam, quite literally, is not covering a single thing we've learned so far this semester. No lie. We've learned about literature: the different aspects of it, how to analyze it, things like that. We've read a bunch of stuff from 600 years ago. What is our exam on? Grammar. Things that aren't actually on our course's website.

What. The. Hell. I think I'm going to complain about this to someone with power, because this is absolutely ridiculous.

In other news, this has been, hands down, the hardest semester of college thus far. Let's see, what all have I dealt with?
- Stomach flu
- Death of two students, both of which I knew, one of which I worked with
- 16 credits (full load)
- 2 classes for no credit
- A job (which, okay, is only like 4 hours max a week. But still)
- The school newspaper

I hit the ground running in every sense possible and have been going 100 mph ever since, with no stopping in sight. I truly think this semester will be my downfall.

I hate college.

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