Friday, July 24, 2009


Yesterday, a thought occurred to me:

Why is not working frowned upon?

I don't mean unemployment. I don't mean laziness. I mean, why is it that whenever I'm standing around at work because there's nothing to do, I get told to do some totally worthless, unnecessary job? Why is it that when at my volunteer job this week, whenever I finish my task I'm sent out to help in a place that doesn't need me and normally I end up standing around doing nothing in a different place? What's so wrong with being still for a moment?

I've come to the conclusion that people are afflicted with workism (if alcoholism creates alcoholics, then workaholics must have workism. Get it?). We're obsessed with movement, progress, accomplishment. We need to work work work, produce produce produce, only resting for absolutely no more than 8 hours at night. Our entire lives our consumed with work. And I, for one, think that is wrong. I don't believe humans were created to work from the second they were born to the second they die. I believe humanity is supposed to take time to smell the roses. Take time to enjoy the world we live in, the life we've been given. Slow down and notice what's around us and stop being so preoccupied with getting things done.

So I'm taking a one-woman stand against workism. I'm not going to always look for a job to do. That's not to say that I'll ignore the work I have to do. When I have work that needs to be done, I'll do it. But when work is finished, I'm not going to go out of my way to find something else to do. I'm going to enjoy my fleeting youth, I'm going to appreciate the life I've been given. I hope someone will find this post and agree with me, and maybe even join me.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

Terrible, Horrible, No Good, Very Bad Day

I'm going to start looking bipolar in this blog if I'm not careful. Laughing until I cry in one post, crying from anger in the next.

Reason Why Today Sucked #1:
Mondays are my day to work. I'm supposed to work from 9-3. I get up at 7:15 to do this. Today at 8:15, my boss calls and says she doesn't want me to come in until 10. That means the best I can get is 5 hours. Then, per usual, work slowed down around 2, so I got sent home at 2:15. That means, after taxes, I earned a whopping $27 today. It wouldn't be a big deal if I were working just to have some extra cash. But that's not why I'm working. I'm a college student. I need this money so I can eat next year. Literally. That, and actually afford my education. I can't have my nearly nonexistent hours cut, because I desperately need every cent I can get.

Reason Why Today Sucked #2:
After wandering around the library for an hour, trying to find any book that sounded halfway interesting (I couldn't), there was a train I had to wait for on the way home. I guess in the grand scope of things, that's not really so bad, but it was a bit of an annoyance.

Reason Why Today Sucked #3:
When I got home, I found out that the roommate troubles I've had are going to be compounded for the fifth time. Last year I endured not one, not two, but THREE--yes, count 'em, three--roommates from Hell, which, in my opinion, is three more than anyone should have to deal with and at least two more than anyone should expect to deal with. So there's roommate trouble one, two, and three. Roommate trouble four came when the girl I was planning to live with next year dropped out of my college. But housing told me they found someone to put me with, and it would all be good. Roommate trouble five came today when housing told me that since my ex-almost-roommate just told them today that she won't be returning next fall, the original student they were going to put me with has been housed somewhere else.


I just don't understand why our housing department seems to hate me when I did nothing to them. I'm sick of being punished for things I have no control over, and I'm sick of living with people who I hate and who hate me. Is it really so much to ask for a decent person to live with that I can get along with and maybe even be friends with?

Thursday, July 9, 2009

Laugh Until the Tears Fall Down Your Face

I haven't laughed so hard in a really, really long time. Not necessarily because I lead some insanely depressing, horrible life or anything like that. The website is just that funny. Thank you, facebook gods, for keeping my parents and all adult relatives off facebook and in the real world where they belong. I don't want them in my cyberworld, thank you very much.

But seriously. Go to that website, because it will make your day. Maybe your week. Or your month. Or your year. Or your life, quite possibly.

Monday, July 6, 2009

Summer, Sweet Summer

It's just one of those perfect summer days today. I really don't think it could possibly be nicer. The sun is shining, the humidity is low, the temperature isn't too hot or too cold...I can't ask for much more than this.

It's a great day to be alive
I know the sun's still shinin' when I close my eyes
There's some hard times in the neighborhood,
but why can't every day be just this good?

I wish I could take credit for that, but I can't. Props to you Travis Tritt, or the writer of that song, for putting a day like today in words.

I think I'm a jaded college student. I wish for the innocence of freshmen. Even though I know it would inevitably lead to disappointment, I can't help but wish I could go back to school wide-eyed and full of wonder like they all will.

I just really hope this year is better than last year.

Anonymous profile viewer, I don't know who you are, but I want you to know that you've made my day. I absolutely love the fact that someone has viewed my profile, because that means someone has been to my blog, which means someone might have read it. That was what I wanted in the first place: for someone to come across this totally by accident and just read my musings. Now if you'd like to comment...*hint hint*