Monday, July 6, 2009

Summer, Sweet Summer

It's just one of those perfect summer days today. I really don't think it could possibly be nicer. The sun is shining, the humidity is low, the temperature isn't too hot or too cold...I can't ask for much more than this.

It's a great day to be alive
I know the sun's still shinin' when I close my eyes
There's some hard times in the neighborhood,
but why can't every day be just this good?

I wish I could take credit for that, but I can't. Props to you Travis Tritt, or the writer of that song, for putting a day like today in words.

I think I'm a jaded college student. I wish for the innocence of freshmen. Even though I know it would inevitably lead to disappointment, I can't help but wish I could go back to school wide-eyed and full of wonder like they all will.

I just really hope this year is better than last year.

Anonymous profile viewer, I don't know who you are, but I want you to know that you've made my day. I absolutely love the fact that someone has viewed my profile, because that means someone has been to my blog, which means someone might have read it. That was what I wanted in the first place: for someone to come across this totally by accident and just read my musings. Now if you'd like to comment...*hint hint*

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