Monday, August 24, 2009

Here We Go Again

Well, kids, it's gotten to be that time: school time.

Well, not entirely. I'm back at school, but classes don't start until next week. I moved in early because I'm cool like that. Or rather, I had to. As tempted as I am to use this blog entry to complain about how I don't really want to be back at school, I will resist. Nearly everyone I know has told me I need to be positive about this year, so I'm going to pretend like this is new years and make some resolutions/goals.

1. Be content
- Not necessarily always be happy, because that would be impossible and setting myself up for failure, but be content whatever my circumstances.

2. Make friends
- Because college would be a more enjoyable experience with one or two of those.

3. Don't fall too fast.
- Debacle last year. Don't want that to happen again.

4. Get involved.
- Because that will make #2 much easier.

5. Don't hate your roommate.
- Debacle last year. Don't want that to happen again.

The number one aspect of my life at college that needs improvement is my social life, hands down. The academic stuff is just fine. But if we were graded on our social lives, I would be failing out of college. I'm going to try to improve that. Maybe I won't get an A, but I'm shooting for a B. Here's my personal grading scale:

F: No new friends of any gender. Hate roommate and suitemates.

D: No new friends of any gender. Can tolerate and don't mind living with roommate and suitemates.

C: New girl friends (2 or more). Get along with roommate and suitemates.

B: New girl and guy friends (2 or more of each gender). Friends with roommate and get along with suitemates.

A: New girl and guy friends (4 or more of each gender). Friends with roommate and suitemates.

I think that's reasonable and attainable. Wish me luck!

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