Sunday, January 10, 2010

More Resolutions

I kind of like that list I made before first semester, so I'm doing it again:

1. Make a guy friend. Or more. No need to get too ambitious, though. Making one more would double my current total, which would be nice.

2. Spend less time on Facebook. My goal is 1.5 hours per day or less. It's awfully ambitious, but I think it would be good for me.

3. Make a good girl friend. Because at this point, I only have one good friend in college. I'd like to have at least two good girl friends, because girl friends are important.

4. Fall in love. Oh, why not?

5. Spend more time with former best friend from home. Who knew it would be so easy to drift apart when you go to the same school? I need to work on that.

And then the same grading scale as last semester for friend making.

I was just on Facebook, and I found myself in the background of someone's picture. I was yawning in the picture, and the girl who put the picture up found it funny. I believe the caption was "the girl in the background makes this picture that much better ahahahahaha." For some strange reason, it actually didn't insult me. I'm not making some totally ridiculous face or anything. I don't know. It's weird.

Speaking of weird. I had the chance to go back to school early, but decided against it. This is weird because I had practically been begging to go back on Sunday instead of Monday nearly all break, but suddenly once I had to go back on Sunday instead of Monday, I got angry and fought for my one extra night at home (and got it). Strange.

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