Friday, January 1, 2010

New Year's Resolutions

There is still time where I live to make New Year's Resolutions before 2010, so here goes:

1. Be more confident
Because I feel like that will help with #2...
2. Fall in love
Okay, okay. It's a stupid resolution, because I can only control that so much. I know history says I'm setting myself up for failure. But I'm resolving to do it anyways because I've never resolved to fall in love before, and I never have fallen in love before (at least, I've never been in love with someone who loves me back), so I figure I have nothing to lose.
3. Save more
Because grad school is expensive and I'm poor. So is studying abroad. And life in general.
4. Less dessert
More setting myself up for failure. Is it so wrong to want to have a nice stomach?
5. Make one more really good friend.
Because I have one really good friend--a best friend, really--but I don't want to be that annoying clingy friend, so it'd be nice to have another one. At college, I mean.
6. Be less cynical/complain less.
Without question, the most difficult thing on the list. I'm the queen of complaining (obvs. If you've read any of this blog you would know that). But I'll try. Or at least say I'll try.

That's all I've got for now. A grading scale:

A: 6/6
B: 5/6
C: 4/6
D: 3/6
F: ≤ 2/6

I'm shooting for an A, expecting a Cish. If I'm still blogging by 12/31/10, I'll let you know how I did. Second semester resolutions/goals are coming later...probably right before I go back to school, if this has been any indication.

Happy new year!

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