Friday, December 31, 2010

Ah, here we are again

2010 is almost history, folks. We have a mere 26 hours (as of this writing) left before it's done forever. I wasn't going to do anything, but a boss of mine (yes, a boss...because I do actually have multiple) posted a list of things accomplished in 2010 and went on and on about how it's good to reflect over these things. So I shall do that. But first...

On January 1, 2010, I posted my resolutions for 2010 on this humble blog. They, and their results, are as follows:

1. Be more confident.
-- Sorta? It really depended on the situation.
2. Fall in love.
-- I hesitate to say this, not because I'm worried this information will fall into the wrong hands (I'm not kidding myself: NO ONE reads this), but because the only person who does read this (me) is going to look back on this eventually, shake my head at myself, and get angry for kidding myself, but I think I might have fulfilled this resolution. It's not mutual...I don't think...yet...but sometimes (a lot of the time), I think I may have found Him, and that something may be happening. But I don't trust optimism, so I'll just leave it at that.
3. Save more.
-- Check.
4. Less dessert.
-- Again, depended on the time/situation. I haven't lost any weight, though, if that's what you're asking.
5. Make one more really good friend.
-- Aww, hells yeah I accomplished that.
6. Be less cynical/complain less.
-- Yes and no. I'm still pretty cynical (see #2), but I was more aware of my complaining and tried to do something about it, so that's good, right?

I'm giving myself a 4.5/6, which is like a B- on the year. Not too shabby, if I do say so myself.

So anyways, things accomplished this year in the order I think of them:
- Two 4.0 semesters juggling more extracurriculars than should be legal
- Solicited and got a job writing about high school sports, part of the career discernment process
- Improved photography skills and took photos for a full-page spread in the campus newspaper
- Survived a summer as a camp counselor and LOVED nearly every second of it
- Survived numerous severe thunderstorms and/or tornadoes, though probably lost several years of my life as a result of the anxiety
- Intensely cleaned a solid half of my room (more to be completed later)
- Auditioned for an open casting call...just so I could say I did it...haha
- FINALLY at long last became happy at my college

Overall, it was a really up and down year. There were some very high highs and some very low lows. I think saying that I'll miss 2010 would be stretching it, but saying I'm counting down the second for it to be over would be stretching it, too. I'm just kinda meh about it, I guess. Though really, looking back, I think this was one of my better years. Though more tumultuous, I really do think it was better than 2009. Here's hoping 2011 will continue the trend. New Year's resolutions may or may not come. We'll see how I'm feeling.

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