Thursday, April 28, 2011

I'm Not Very Good At This

I don't update this very often. It's silly that this bothers me right now, considering my past history. I've become quite the blog addict, though, so I feel like I should make an effort to keep this updated...ish.

Also, I'm thinking of starting another blog. Why that strikes me as a good idea is beyond me (points below to show infrequent updating). We'll see. I can't keep you too posted, though, because I don't want my second blog to be so secretive. *shifty eyes*


I can't believe I never mentioned this, but I'm studying off-campus this semester. Hands down the best decision I've ever made. I'm leaving for home in about 48 hours, and I really couldn't be less thrilled. Things I don't want to go back to

- homework
- my job at the paper (uh oh...)
- small towns

Last weekend someone (my pastor, actually) asked if I had been bit by the big city bug. I lied. In church! To my pastor! ON EASTER SUNDAY. It's a wonder I wasn't smote right then and there. I said no to my pastor. The real answer is yes. Yeah, I like my small town values and my small town prices. But MAN do I like city livin.

I'm gonna miss this town.

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