Monday, May 18, 2009

A New Beginning

I have no intention of ever telling anyone about this blog. I'm interested in seeing if anyone happens to stumble upon it, and, if they do stumble upon it, if anything will happen. 

Who I am is not important. Where I'm a student and what kind of student I am is not important. I don't plan on ever revealing that sort of information. 

And in case you, whoever you are, happen to think you are oh-so clever and attempt to figure out my location by post time, I'll tell you right now you're wasting your time. I set my time zone to GMT, even though I do not live in GMT.

The only things you need to know about me:
- I am female.
- I am a student.

This blog will be open and honest and candid. No full names will ever be used, though, to protect 1) the innocent and 2) me. 

I discovered a new person today, C. I sincerely hope to meet C within the next few months. C has a girlfriend, but I'm hoping that will change. I remain optimistic. 

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