Saturday, June 11, 2011

I Will Not Be Thwarted!

Yesterday, I spent my day waiting for a phone call that never came. (Not from Boy. From a job-related something). It also rained a lot. Needless to say 5K training did not happen yesterday. Boo.

Thankfully, today the weather is...well, it's not raining at least. And double thankfully, my training program is a 3x/week sort of deal. So instead I ran today! Wewt. The training is still super easy, since I'm running for 10 minutes and walking for 15 (ballin!). What's been interesting to notice is that I feel most tired near the end of my workout when I stop running and start walking. I'm fine when I'm running, and transitioning from walking to running (or jogging, rather) isn't really a problem. But when I transition from running to walk I huff and I puff and I just feel super beat. I guess that's a good sign? Maybe? I mean, if running seems to be easier than slowing down, I should just keep running, eh?

Updates on progress will be slow in coming next week as I have plans that prevent me from Interneting most/all days. But never fear Latvian (and American) Lovers: I shall persevere! *points to title*

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