Sunday, June 26, 2011


It's been awhile, hasn't it?

Good news: 5K training is progressing quite well. I'm kind of obsessed with my training program, to be completely honest. I feel like I'm getting a good workout but I'm not exhausted when I'm done, which I think is great. I've really enjoyed every single run I've gone out for (9 thus far), which I think is saying something. I'm also still super pumped and motivated to do this 5K, so woot.

Bad news: On my off running days I do strength training business, and the workout I did yesterday kicked my booty--literally. Walking has been a bit of a struggle today. Failsauce.

I'm also in a funky mood like all the time. That's a lie. I'm in a funky mood like half the time where I'm just pissed about everything and hate everyone. I don't know what's wrong with me, and I don't particularly like it.

I'm also super duper pissed about work next week. Basically, I got royally screwed over with scheduling things while people with far, far less seniority than me not only got the bitchin' end of the deal, but also got a huge ass raise. So I got screwed and am still making way, way less than half of minimum wage while undeserving people are sitting pretty. No wonder I hate everything.

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