Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Busy busy busy Take Two

Fail on the profile views. I only got one in like the past two weeks. Lame lame lame.

So I've been super busy with this thing we have going on at school that I can't tell you about because then you'd be able to figure out where I go to school and that would defeat the whole anonymity thing. But it's this competition that I like a lot, though I'm seriously concerned that my team is going to lose this year, and that causes a lot of stress. Thankfully, the homework gods have smiled on me this week, so all I really need to focus on is this competition.

Also, I'm not happy about my Spanish grade. I'm pretty sure I'm getting an A-, partly because my teacher is moody. Not okay.

I have a sore throat and it's making me very, very nervous. I don't think I have piggy flu, because I don't have any other symptoms, and it's not a bad sore throat, just a little scratch. So hopefully I'm okay.

Also, remember S and A? Yeah, they're no longer roommates. Didn't even last an entire semester. I totally called that one!

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