Friday, December 11, 2009


Well, kind of. I'm not *technically* done, because I still have finals next week. But classes are over. WEIRD.

It's all very strange. Looking back on the semester, it feels like it dragged on and on. September 1 seems like it was ages ago. But sitting here in this moment, it feels like the entire semester passed by far too quickly. It's a really weird feeling.

On the one hand, I'm really, really happy to be done with some of my classes. World Music was the worst class I've taken in college thus far, so I'm thrilled that it's over. Trumpet lessons are also over, and I couldn't be much happier about that. Trumpet lessons were the worst. My Spanish class was way too hard, so I'm glad that's done as well. I did like my English class a lot, though, so I'm disappointed that that's over.

On the other hand, I'm really sad that my classes are done because I didn't have any class this year where I really didn't like my classmates. I strengthened and formed a good amount of friendships in my classes, but I have doubts that those friendships will survive now that I most likely won't see my friends twice or three times a week. It also really screws with my dining schedule, because I had everything worked out in a lovely system, and now that will all have to change. Meh.

I sold a book to the bookstore today, and I feel slightly guilty about it. I didn't buy the book at school, so it didn't have a "USED" sticker on it. Therefore, they assumed it was new and gave me that buyback price. I ended up making a $15 profit on the book. I suppose I shouldn't feel bad about it, given how much the bookstore has ripped me off in the past. But alas, I still feel like it was morally wrong. Ah well.

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