In other news, I finished the semester with a 4.0. WOOT! I'm honestly thrilled about this, because I didn't expect it to happen. So that brings my cumulative GPA to a 3.97. I need a few more 4.0s and then I'll be able to graduate Summa Cum Laude, which would be outstanding because at the moment, my plan is to go to grad school immediately after finishing my undergrad. (Unless of course I have a that case I'll wait on grad school until I lose my job, which is pretty much a guarantee, considering I'm pursuing a dying field. Awesome). But grad school is effing expensive, and my parents won't pay a penny of it. So basically, in order to go to grad school, I need to 1) save like there's no tomorrow (at the moment I'm saving 50% of every paycheck in the vain hope that it will make a difference. I'd save more, but I would like to, you know, be able to afford food and minor luxuries like that) and 2) get a buttload of scholarships. Since I'm not multicultural, it'd be difficult for me to get a full ride (another rant for another day). But I think I could do well with academic and need-based scholarships, especially academic if I graduate Summa Cum Laude (and to amazing on the GRE). So yes. Yay for another 4.0.
Second Semester goals/new year's resolutions are coming.